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Operation Contracts

  • Operation/Events/Interface?
  • Operation Contracts – Post-Conditions
  • Operation Contracts – Motivation
  • How to write Post-Conditions
  • How much complete should Post-Conditions be
  • Should We Update the...
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    Topic Summary

    • Operation/Events/Interface?
    • Operation Contracts – Post-Conditions
    • Operation Contracts – Motivation
    • How to write Post-Conditions
    • How much complete should Post-Conditions be
    • Should We Update the Domain Model?
    • When Are Contracts Useful?
    • How to Create and Write Contracts
    • Example: NextGen POS Contracts
    • Applying UML: Operations, Contracts, and the OCL
    • Operation Contracts Expressed with the OCL

    Topic CLO's

    Click on any CLO below to enable/disable it against the topic.

    CLO-6 Explain basic concepts of object-oriented software engineering using UML.

    Explain basic concepts of object-oriented software engineering using UML.
    CLO-7 Develop OOSE design for problems based on real-world scenarios.

    Develop OOSE design for problems based on real-world scenarios.
    CLO-8 Explain the fundamentals of software project management and software life cycle methodologies.

    Explain the fundamentals of software project management and software life cycle methodologies.
    CLO-9 Develop a “real world” software system prototype using Object Oriented Software Engineering.

    Develop a “real world” software system prototype using Object Oriented Software Engineering.
Topic Questions:
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Multiple Choice Questions for Operation Contracts

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  • 1 Which section of operation contract link it to its use case?
    1. Operation
    2. Cross Reference
    3. Preconditions
    4. Postconditions

  • 2 Which section of operation contracts records the state changes in objects after completion of the system operation.
    1. Operation
    2. Cross Reference
    3. Preconditions
    4. Postconditions

  • 3 Which of the following is NOT an object of operation contacts??
    1. Define system operations
    2. Create contracts for system operations
    3. Writing contracts for system events
    4. Writing contracts for SSDs

  • 4 Which change is not captured by the operation contract?
    1. Instance creation
    2. association formed/broken
    3. Attributes changes
    4. Operation logic/behavior

  • 5 If a new object X was created in a post condition then it will belong to which of the following category?
    1. Object created or destroyed
    2. Association formed or broken
    3. Attributes state change
    4. None

  • 6 Post Conditions of operation in operation contract fall into which of the following categories?
    1. Instance creation and deletion
    2. Attribute change of value
    3. Associations formed and broken
    4. All of the above

  • 7 Which of the following are the events or I/O messages relative to the system, identified during sketching SSDs.
    1. System interfaces
    2. System events
    3. Operation contract
    4. All of the above

  • 8 Which section of operation contract describes the parameters details which are utilized in the operation.
    1. Contract ID
    2. Operation
    3. Pre Condition
    4. Post Condition

  • 9 Which section of the operation contract describes the state of objects after completion of the operation.
    1. Operation
    2. Pre-Condition
    3. Post Condition
    4. Cross References

  • 10 Which of the following serves as input to the object design?
    1. Class diagram
    2. State diagram
    3. Operation contracts
    4. Interaction diagrams

  • 11 Which of the following are the prime inputs to the operation contracts?
    1. Use Cases
    2. Use Case Scenarios
    3. System Operations
    4. System Sequence Diagrams

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