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  1. Students are auto-evaluated against related topics to ensure they learned it.

For marketing purpose, This lectures enlist the general and role based justificaiton for why subject expert should be adopted.

Subject Expert

It is a green education platform that eases teaching, uplifts education quality, and leverages new trends of interactive, activity-based learning for the benefits of students, parents, and teaching organizations.

Guest for All, By Subject Expert Admin

Subject Expert is trying to evolve Education System into a Hybrid Education System, in which teacher digitize their teaching and become Soft Teacher. Who can:

1 Tell your kid's learning status along with a comparison to his/her class.

2 Teach and repeat to unlimited students at the same moment.

3 Ease physical teaching, to just focus on students understanding.

4 Improve teaching content by utilizing online resources (youtube, gamification, visualization, etc.)

5 Track real-time students status by auto-diary and collaborative learning.

6 Many more ...

Let us guide you more! just and then

Student for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Student

A quality education system can ensure your moral, social and professional growth. Subject Expert assures the following for you:

1 You want to get a green, standardized, and high-quality education.

2 Teachers should teach you until you conceptually learn it.

3 View real-time analytics to compare and compete for your learning in the class.

4 Contribute to the learning process to share and optimize education for the world.

5 Need a real-time communication platform to ask questions and collaborate with your classmates.

6 If learning is a gradual process, So as evaluation be, to minimize time pressure-based exams.

7 During the learning process or after evaluation via exams, your weaknesses should be pinpointed to address them.

8 A lot more to realize ...

Take your first step. Simply and then

Parent for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Parent/Guardian

The most important responsibility is to groom your kids morally, socially, and professionally to be successful in their life. Sometimes it's not cent percent possible due to busy Jobs or business schedules. Therefore let the Subject Expert help you in fulfilling this responsibility to:

1 Keep a real-time bird's view on the educational progress of your kid from anywhere in the world.

2 View insights to know about his weak courses or chapters and help him on time.

3 Enrich your kids learning with online resources (youtube, games, activities, collaboration, etc.)

4 Spend a little time to contribute to the auto-diary system to ensure homework or assignments are done on time.

5 Receive auto alerts for improvement tips and low performance of your kids.

6 Avoid less effective PTMs and show concerns directly to the teacher or his institute with a communication platform.

7 A lot more to gain ...

So let's link your kids to your Parent Dashboard. Simply and then

Teacher for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Teacher

The old Education System needs a lot of improvements and innovations in the new digitized world. You can transform yourself into a software-based teacher (Soft Teacher), to scale your teaching to infinite audiences at the same moment. On Subject Expert we allow this transformation to achieve:

For Learning

1 Digitize your teaching into interactive videos

2 Ease your physical teaching with new trends

3 Enforce collaborative learning among class students

4 View students real progress on lab and assignments

5 Let the students flourish greenery in your course 

6 Customize and secure teaching contents visibility

7 Let your premium teaching content reward you

8 A lot more to avail ... 

For Evaluation

1 Prepare exams in less than 30 seconds

2 Try our wizard, cart, and self-based exam generation 

3 Let the system evaluate students while learning

4 Avail offline exam conduction with real-time results

5 View student or class-level insights for weak topics 

6 Enforce review process for learning in class

7 Ease yourself in assignment and lab task marking

8 Many new evaluation trends ... 

For Optimization

1 Contextual collaboration among students and teachers

2 Bubble up effective content via the feedback process

3 Let the students overcome weaknesses after learning and evaluation 

4 Auto communicate student improvements to parents

5 Avoid less effective PTMs 

6 Publish course coverage and class progress 

7 Subject experts improve and innovate the course

8 Many more optimization techniques ... 

Note: Provide us your identity (Profile url) and become a teacher on subject expert, to experience our above claims.

Course Head for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Course/Domain Head

When the same course is taught to multiple sections/classes in schools or universities, Then a domain/course head is required to ensure that course level objectives (CLOs) are met for all sections uniformly. Manual meetings and tracking mechanisms are less effective without a digitized platform. Adopt Subject Expert which can help domain/course head to:

1 Enforce the same course contents for all classes in the same effective order.

2 Ensure constant pace for all classes along with aggregated performance analytics for every class.

3 Open the door for the same exam to all classes and then compare the outcomes.

4 Enable teaching contents review process among the experts of the same course.

5 Take precautionary measures on time if teaching quality is not balanced for every class.

6 Let the teacher control the visibility of their questions repository and content sharing with other teachers.

7 A lot more to effectively ensure CLOs ...


Course main teacher (in its Summary) is usually its domain head But is customizable to co-teacher via mutual understanding among course teachers.

Department Head for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Head of Department (HoD)

Apart from administrative responsibilities, HoD also tries his best to ensure every program is aligned with its Programme Level Objectives (PLOs). For this purpose, PLOs and CLOs are delegated to respective domain heads but are mostly tracked through manual processes which are tedious and time-consuming. Subject Expert can help you to:

1 Generate aggregated performance of in-progress courses in a semester.

2 Communicate with Domain Heads to instruct them on PLO's status.

3 Group courses into a semester and views their aggregated progress.

4 Has view access to all features of Domain Heads for the subject. 

7 R & D is in progress in this area.


Domain Heads' incentives determine HoD access for their performance analytics.

Organization Head for All, By Subject Expert Admin

As a Head of Organization

You may be a Headmaster, Principle, Director/Vice Chancellor of a school, college, or university respectively. Subject Expert calculates high-level analytics for your role to help in maintaining or uplifting the education quality and minimize costs in your organization:

1 Discipline is measured with the overall Attendance module.

2 Education quality is measured with outcomes from interactive, collaborative, and evaluation.

3 Provides you with a real-time communication module with your HoDs, Domain Heads, and Teachers.

4 Lowers the cost of teaching and evaluation (exams) using automatic trends in this area. 

7 Provides a centralized control on parameters related to learning, evaluation, and optimization.


HoDs and Domain Heads' incentives determine Organizational Head access to their performance analytics.


Why Subject Expert Evaluation

To earn PASS status, system is about to evaluate you using multiple choice questions (MCQs) and True/False type questions.

  • Make sure you have learned this lecture along with its topics and tutorials.
  • On first evaluation you get 100% marks on correct answer, then on 2nd you get 95% marks and so on.
  • Answer the questions with a gap NOT MORE THAN A MINUTE, Otherwise it will re-start.

I have read above instrucitons and ready for evaluation.
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