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Open its course - Computer Programming

Multiple Choice Questions for CPU, Memory, Storage Media and File System

  • 1 In most modern processors, what is the smallest addressable unit of memory?
    1. bit
    2. byte
    3. 32 bits
    4. 64 bits

  • 2 What part of the processor indicates which machine instruction is next in line for execution?
    1. The address bus
    2. The memory address register
    3. The program counter
    4. The system clock

  • 3 What is a machine instruction?
    1. a pattern of bits that corresponds to one unit of data.
    2. a signal sent across the system bus that controls the operation of the computer.
    3. a pattern of bits that asks for one fundamental operation of the processor.
    4. a signal sent by the system clock that starts one machine cycle.

  • 4 What is the machine cycle?
    1. One machine cycle consists of all the steps taken in executing a program.
    2. A machine cycle is how a cold computer is booted into running an operating system.
    3. A machine cycle is the process through which one machine instruction is executed.
    4. A machine cycle is the steps through which a byte is fetched from memory.

  • 5 Which is not consisted in a processor:
    1. ALU
    2. CU
    3. Memory
    4. Registers

  • 6 What one in the following is the latest write-once optical storage media?
    1. Digital paper
    2. Magneto-optical disk
    3. WORM disk
    4. CD-ROM disk

  • 7 Which is valid statement:
    1. 1 MB = 1024 Bytes
    2. 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
    3. 1 KB = 1000 Bytes
    4. 1 MB = 1000 Bytes

  • 8 Which of the following are the cheapest memory devices in terms of Cost/Bit?
    1. Semiconductor memories
    2. Magnetic Disks
    3. Compact Disks
    4. Magnetic Tapes

  • 9 The devices that are under the control of the computer and are directly connected to it are said to be:
    1. off-line devices
    2. on-line devices
    3. In gate device
    4. IF gate device

  • 10 The devices that are used to receive data from central processing unit are classified as:
    1. output/input devices
    2. digital devices
    3. signaled devices
    4. output devices

  • 11 The type of ROM which is manufactured without any initial storage in it is called:
    1. PROM
    2. EROM
    3. BROM
    4. DROM

  • 12 The specific type of memory that can be erased anytime is classified as:
    1. BROM
    2. DROM
    3. EPROM
    4. EROM

  • 13 The type of memory which is used to read data but not to write on it is classified as:
    1. random only memory
    2. read access memory
    3. read only memory
    4. random access memory

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