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Multiple Choice Questions for DBMS Architecute and Database Model

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  • 1 The ANSI-SPARC committee produced________ level DBMS architecture in the year 1975.
    1. three
    2. four
    3. five
    4. six

  • 2 The three level ANSI-SPARC Architecture includes __________, internal and conceptual levels.
    1. logical
    2. physical
    3. application
    4. external

  • 3 Which of the following layer provides the mapping and the desired independence between the external and internal levels.
    1. conceptual
    2. internal
    3. physical
    4. external

  • 4 The architecture of most commercial DBMSs available today is based to some extent on the:
    2. ANSI
    4. None

  • 5 Which one of the following describes entities, attributes, relationships and constraints of database?
    1. External Schema
    2. Conceptual Schema
    3. Internal Schema
    4. non of them

  • 6 In which level of the three-level ANSI-SPARC Architecture users perceive the data?
    1. Conceptual level
    2. Internal level
    3. External level
    4. non of them

  • 7 ANSI-SPARC Committee produced the three level ANSI-SPARC architecture in _____:
    1. 1976
    2. 1975
    3. 1957
    4. 1974

  • 8 The objective of the three-level architecture is to separate each user's view of the database from the way the database is ______ represented.
    1. logically
    2. physically
    3. internally
    4. all of these

  • 9 In three-level architecture, we see that the _____ schema is the ‘heart’ of the database.
    1. external
    2. conceptual
    3. physical
    4. none

  • 10 Database system which supports majority of concurrent users is classified as
    1. multiuser system
    2. multi-function system
    3. multi transaction system
    4. client and disk server system

  • 11 ______ schema is the description of the internal model, including definitions of records , indexes and hashing function
    1. External
    2. Conceptual
    3. Internal
    4. All of the above

  • 12 ANSI-SPARC architecture have _______.
    1. 2 levels
    2. 4 levels
    3. 5 levels
    4. 3 levels

  • 13 ________ schema describes the entities, attributes, relationships and constraints.
    1. External
    2. Conceptual
    3. Internal

  • 14 _______ schema is corresponds to different views of data
    1. External
    2. conceptual
    3. internal

  • 15 The Conceptual Level of the ANSI-SPARC Architecture represents:
    1. Constraints on data
    2. Security and integrity of data
    3. Semantic information about the data
    4. All of the above

  • 16 Which of the following is NOT a level of the ANSI-SPARC Architecture.
    1. External level
    2. Physical level
    3. Internal level
    4. Conceptual level

  • 17 Description of the overall database is called
    1. database
    2. DBMS
    3. database schema
    4. data adiministration

  • 18 User views are included as part of which schema?
    1. Internal
    2. External
    3. Conceptual
    4. none of the above

  • 19 Which part of SQL language allows the DBA or user to describe and name the entities, attributes, and relationships required for the application, together with any associated integrity and security constraints?
    1. DDL
    2. DML
    3. DCL
    4. SQL

  • 20 Which part of the database is relevant to each user in ANSI-SPARC architecture of DBMS?
    1. Internal
    2. Conceptual
    3. External
    4. Logical

  • 21 To provide abstraction of data is the major objective of:
    1. Database System
    2. DD Compiler
    3. Data definition language
    4. None of these

  • 22 There is a relation Student (stID, sName, city), where city and sName attributes may have repeated values, but stID cannot have repeated values, then which one of the following can be a candidate key in the relation:
    1. city attribute
    2. stID attribute
    3. sName attribute
    4. None

  • 23 If one user wants to view the employee’s hire date in form of (day, month, year), but other user wants to view the same employee’s hire date in the different form like (year, month, day), which one of the three-level architecture represents it?
    1. Internal level
    2. Conceptual level
    3. External level
    4. All of the above

  • 24 Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database?
    1. Get
    2. Select
    3. Set
    4. Open

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