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Multiple Choice Questions for Class Diagram

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  • 1 Class diagram is an example of:
    1. Static Modeling
    2. Dynamic Modeling
    3. a & b

  • 2 Which of the following are usually assumed private if no visibility is specified in class diagram?
    1. Access Modifiers
    2. Objects
    3. Attributes
    4. Methods

  • 3 A property of an association which represents a whole-part relationship with life-time containment, But no control on the life of containing object is:
    1. Aggregation
    2. Association
    3. Composition
    4. None

  • 4 Which of the following is NOT a UML notation for showing interfaces in class diagram?
    1. Socket line notation
    2. Timer notation
    3. Lollipop notation
    4. Dependency notation

  • 5 What are the ways to show attributes of a classifier in a class diagram?
    1. Attribute text Notation
    2. Association line notation
    3. a & b
    4. None

  • 6 If UML diagrams describe software implementation in a particular technology then its which perspective:
    1. Implementation
    2. Conceptual
    3. Specification
    4. None

  • 7 While implementing the object oriented design, The create Operation in interaction diagram is mapped to the:
    1. Method definition
    2. Attribute definition
    3. Constructor definition
    4. Constructor declaration

  • 8 Which of the following is a format for showing attributes using text notation in class diagram?
    1. visibility type :: name
    2. visibility name : type
    3. name visibility: type
    4. type name: visibility

  • 9 What is mean by a blank compartment of a class in a class diagram?
    1. unknown
    2. no members
    3. known memebers
    4. None

  • 10 Which of the following is official UML format for differentiating package name from the class name in class diagram
    1. java.awt::Font
    2. java.awt.Font
    3. java:awt::Font
    4. java:awt:Font

  • 11 Which of the following artifact represents the conceptual perspective of the class diagram?
    1. System Sequence Diagram
    2. Sequence Diagram
    3. Use Case Diagram
    4. Domain Model

  • 12 Which of the following keyword in java stop inheritance?
    1. abstract
    2. final
    3. extends
    4. class

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