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Multiple Choice Questions for Design Principles

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  • 1 Which of the following principle assigns a responsibility to the class that has the information needed to fulfill it.
    1. Pure Fabrication
    2. Indirection
    3. Information Expert
    4. High Cohesion

  • 2 Activities of Object Design are:
    1. Start immediately coding (ideally with test-first development),
    2. Start some UML modeling for the object design,
    3. Start with another modeling technique, such as CRC cards
    4. All above

  • 3 __________defines the non-functional goals
    1. usecase text
    2. supplementary specification
    3. SSD
    4. glossary

  • 4 Learn to apply _____ of the GRASP principles or patterns for OOD
    1. four
    2. five
    3. two
    4. three

  • 5 Which GRASP principle decides about the objects coordination in object oriented software system:
    1. Creator
    2. Low Coupling
    3. Controller
    4. Indirection

  • 6 Which principle keep object focused, understandable and manageable to support low coupling?
    1. Information Expert
    2. High Cohesion
    3. Pure Fabrication
    4. Polymorphism

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