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Multiple Choice Questions for Inception Phase and Requirements in UP

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  • 1 Which artifact has customized unified process steps and artifacts for the project?
    1. Use Case Model
    2. Vision and Business Case
    3. Development Case
    4. Feasibility Report
    5. None

  • 2 Which of the following attribute focus on frequency of failures, recoverability and predictability of the system
    1. Usability
    2. Reliability
    3. Performance
    4. Supportability

  • 3 Which artifact have customized unified process steps and artifacts for the project.
    1. Use Case Model
    2. Vision and Business Case
    3. Development Case
    4. None

  • 4 Which artifact of inception phase covers high level goals and constraints, business cases, and executive summary?
    1. Glossary
    2. Use Case Model
    3. Vision and Business Case
    4. Iteration Plan

  • 5 Buy or build decision for the components of the system are made in which phase of UP?
    1. Inception
    2. Elaboration
    3. Construction
    4. Transition

  • 6 Inception phase should have detailed use cases up to _____ %.
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 50
    4. 100

  • 7 Business case is usually considered a:
    1. functional requirment
    2. major module
    3. rough estimate
    4. non functional requirment

  • 8 In which phase of the unified process we prepare for deployment.
    1. Elaboration
    2. Inception
    3. Transition
    4. Construction

  • 9 Which of the following is a misconception in inception phase?
    1. Risk List and Risk Management Plan
    2. Use Case Model
    3. Iteration Plan
    4. Defining the architecture

  • 10 The ideal duration for iteration is _______ weeks according to unified process.
    1. 1-6
    2. 2-6
    3. 3-8
    4. 4-10

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