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Open its course - Software Engineering

Multiple Choice Questions for Software Engineering

  • 1 Checking that the software is what the customer wants is its __________.
    1. Specification
    2. Development
    3. Validation
    4. Evolution

  • 2 Changing the software in response to changing demands from the end users is called its ________.
    1. Specification
    2. Development
    3. Validation
    4. Evolution

  • 3 ___________ is concerned with all aspects of computer-based systems development including hardware, software and process engineering.
    1. Software engineering
    2. System engineering
    3. Hardware engineering
    4. None

  • 4 Software systems which are intended to provide automated support for software process activities, such as requirements analysis, system modelling, debugging and testing are called _________ tools:
    1. CASE
    2. CADE
    3. CMM
    4. None

  • 5 ________ CASE tools support later activities such as programming, debugging and testing.
    1. Upper
    2. Lower
    3. Both a & b
    4. None

  • 6 _________ CASE tools support the early process activities of requirements and design
    1. Upper
    2. Lower
    3. Both a & b
    4. None

  • 7 Roughly _____% of costs are development costs, ______% are testing costs in software engineering.
    1. 50, 50
    2. 60, 40
    3. 40, 60
    4. 80, 20

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