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Open its course - Database Systems

Short Questions for Database Management System (DBMS)

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  • 1 What are the disadvantages of DBMS?

    Following are the disadvantage of DBMS:

    • Complexity
    • Size
    • Cost of DBMS
    • Additional hardware costs
    • Cost of conversion
    • Performance
    • Higher impact of a failure

  • 2 Mention at least eight advantages of the database management systems?

    Following are the advantages of DBMS:

    1. Control of data redundancy.
    2. Data consistency
    3. More information from the same amount of data.
    4. Sharing of data.
    5. Improved data integrity.
    6. Improved security.
    7. Enforcement of standards.
    8. Economy of scale.
    9. Balanced conflicting requirements
    10. Improved data accessibility and responsiveness
    11. Increased productivity
    12. Improved maintenance through data independence
    13. Increased concurrency
    14. mproved backup and recovery services

  • 3 Visualize the DBMS components and their interaction using a diagram.

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  • 4 Describe at least five purposes of database management systems (DBMS)?


    Note: The answer is at least five option from the following.
    1. Access: Provide one application to access many databases
    2. Layers: Hide physical storage considerations from the user
    3. Views: To provide only the data a user needs
    4. Security: Restrict access to the data
    5. Integrity: Preserve data integrity while supporting change
    6. Recovery: Return the database to a consistent state after a failure of any kind
    7. Concurrency: Offer simultaneous access to many users
    8. Backup

  • 5 What functions are allowed by DBMS to its users?

    Allows users to:

    • Store data
    • Manage change (updates)
    • Organize data
    • Retrieve data
    • Retain privacy (security)

  • 6 Describe Database Management Systems (DBMS).

    A database management system is a software system that enables users to define, create, and maintain the database and which provides controlled access to this database.

    • Provides systematic method of creating, updating, storing, and retrieving data in a database
    • It enables end users and application programmers to share data among multiple applications
    • A DBMS also provides facilities for controlling data access, enforcing data integrity, managing concurrency control, and restoring a database

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