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Short Questions for Elaboration Phase of Unified Process

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  • 1 How Unified Process organizes the requirements?

    Organize requirements and iterations by risk, coverage, and criticality. Risk includes both technical complexity and other factors, such as uncertainty of effort or usability. Coverage implies that all major parts of the system are at least touched on in early iterationsperhaps a "wide and shallow" implementation across many components. Criticality refers to functions the client considers of high business value

  • 2

    Define Planning and Ranking factors for Iterations?


    Planning and project management organize requirements and iterations by risk, coverage and criticality.

    1. Risk Include both technical complexity and other factors, such as ambiguities about efforts and usability.
    2. Coverage Implies that all major parts of the system are at least touched on in early iterations.
    3. Criticality Functions the client considers of high business value.
    4. These criteria are used to rank work across iterations. Logging mechanism ranking
    5. Ranking is done before iteration-1
    6. Ranking order could be changed at every new iteration
    7. Ranking could be High, Medium and Low

  • 3 Make a domain model diagram of your own choice.

    As per user.

  • 4 What are Elaboration phase practices?


    • Do Short timeboxed risk-driven iterations
    • Start programming early
    • Adaptively design, implement and test the core and risky parts of the architecture
    • Test early, often realistically
    • Adapt based on feedback from tests, users, developers
    • Write most of the use cases and other requirements in detail through a series of workshop, once per elaboration iteration

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