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Open its course - Web Engineering

Short Questions for Requirements in Web Engineering

  • 1 What is an internet?

    The internet is a series of huge computer networks that allows many computers to connect and communicate with each other globally. Upon the internet reside a series of languages which allow information to travel between computers called protocols e.g. HTTP, IMAP, POP3 etc.

  • 2 How would you achieve ease of information update and maintenance for web applications?

    This can be done by provisioning of a back-end system to edit information in a data repository. Could have web interface for easy access from anywhere to allow easy update and maintenance for information in web applications.

  • 3 What are the characteristics of the web applications?


    • Web applications constantly evolve
    • The content e.g. text, graphics, images, audio, and/or video, is integrated with procedural processing
    • Used by a vast, variable user community with varying requirements, expectations, and skill sets. 
    • Web-based systems are content-driven 
    • Demand a good “look and feel,” favoring visual creativity and incorporation of multimedia in presentation and interface 
    • Ramifications of failure or dissatisfaction of users of Web-based applications can be much worse than conventional IT systems 
    • Developed by a small team of (often young) people with diverse backgrounds, skills, and knowledge 
    • There are rapid technological changes 
    • Uses cutting-edge, diverse technologies and standards, and integrates numerous varied components e.g. scripting languages, HTML files, databases, images, and other multimedia components 
    • The deployment medium is quite different from that of traditional software. 
    • Location and Time create a high degree of heterogeneity Global: Challenges of internationalization regarding regional, cultural and linguistic differences. 
    • Availability: Permanent availability 24/7 also increases the demands on the stability 
    • Security and privacy needs are more demanding

  • 4 Mention few areas which contributed in the web engineering?


    Following are some diverse areas that contribute in the evolution of web engineering:
    1. Systems analysis and design,
    2. Software engineering, 
    3. Hypermedia/hypertext engineering, 
    4. Requirements engineering,
    5. Human-computer interaction,
    6. User interface,
    7. Information engineering,
    8. Information indexing and retrieval,
    9. Testing,
    10. Modeling and simulation,
    11. Project management, and 
    12.  Graphic design and presentation.

  • 5 How the information can be consistent in different places/pages in web applications?

    Storing information in a single place (e.g. database or XML file), without duplication and then retrieving the required information when and where needed for presentation.

  • 6 How to decentralize web application administration?

    Provision of a multi user login system to access back-end systems and inclusion of a "user administration system" that can assign specific functions and data sets to content managers and other developers/administrators will decentralize web application administration.

  • 7 Write some guidelines for gathering requirements of web applications.


    • Identify the stakeholders.
    • Identify the functions the Web site needs to provide (immediately, and in the short, medium, and long term).
    • Establish what information needs to be on the Web site.
    • Identify the corporate requirements in relation to look and feel, performance, security, and governance.
    • Get a feel of the number of users and anticipated demands on the system.
    • Study similar (competitive) Web sites.

  • 8 What are the major categories of requirements?


    1. Functional requirements define a system’s capabilities and services
    2. Non-functional requirements describe desired levels of quality (“How secure?”, “How usable?”, etc.)
    3. Constraints are non-negotiable conditions affecting a project. Examples of constraints are the skill-level of the development team, the available budget, the delivery date

  • 9 What are Requirements Engineering Activities?


    Main Requirements Engineering Activities are:

    1. Requirements Elicitation and Negotiation
    2. Requirements Documentation
    3. Requirements Verification and Validation
    4. Requirements Management

  • 10 Where Do Requirements of web applications come from?


    • Stakeholders are people or organizations that have direct or indirect influence on the requirements.
    • The identification and involvement of stakeholders are central tasks.

  • 11 How IEEE define Requirements?

    IEEE defines a requirement as

    1. A Condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective
    2. A Condition or capability that must be met or possessed by a system or system component to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents
    3. A Documented representation of a condition or capability as in (1) or (2)

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