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Open its course - Computer Organization

Computer Organization

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Open its course - Computer Organization

Multiple Choice Questions for Computer Organization

  • 1 WHich hazards arise when an instruction depends on the results of a previous instruction in a way that is exposed by the overlapping of instructions in pipeline.
    1. Control
    2. Data
    3. Structural
    4. No

  • 2 FPGA stands for
    1. Fast Programming Got Assembly
    2. Fourier Pragramming Gate Array
    3. Field Programmable Gate Array
    4. None of Above

  • 3 Which of the following instructions change the contents of the source operand
    1. CMP
    2. XCHG
    3. MOV
    4. SWAP

  • 4 In the instruction WORD1 DW 00FFH, the High byte of WORD1 contains
    1. 00
    2. FF
    3. 0F
    4. 00FF

  • 5 8. A ______________ register contains the address of the next instruction.
    1. DX
    2. DS
    3. IP
    4. CX

  • 6 The 8086 processor assigns __________ bit physical address to its memory location
    1. 24
    2. 20
    3. 16
    4. 8

  • 7 The unsigned jumps operate on which of the following?
    1. PF and SF
    2. ZF, OF and SF
    3. ZF, CF
    4. SF, OF

  • 8 To assign a constant to a name, ________ pseudo-op is used.
    1. ENDP
    2. MAIN PROC
    3. DW
    4. EQU

  • 9 SAR (operation) operates like SHR (operation), except that the value of the ___________ bit/bits is/are preserved.
    1. None
    2. Most significant
    3. Both least and most significant
    4. Least significant

  • 10 If AX = FFFFh (-1) and CL =3, the instruction SAL AX, CL will yield _____________
    1. 4
    2. -8
    3. 8
    4. -4

  • 11 There are __________ categories of unconditional jumps
    1. 4
    2. 0
    3. 2
    4. 3

  • 12 If CX contains zero when the LOOP is entered, the LOOP instruction cause CX to be decremented to FFFFh. _________________ jump is used to avoid such condition.
    1. JG
    2. JNLE
    3. JCXZ
    4. JNZ

  • 13 If AL (register) contains even number, ___________ mask is used to test whether or not it is even or odd number
    1. 10000000
    2. 00000001
    3. 00000010
    4. 00000000

  • 14 If 'b' represents a bit (0 or 1) then b AND 1 =
    1. 0
    2. b
    3. ~b
    4. 1

  • 15 In ______________loop the condition is checked at the top of the loop. If condition is false, the program goes on to whatever follows.
    1. Repeat
    2. For
    3. While
    4. None

  • 16 The range of signed numbers that can be stored in a byte is
    1. -32768 to 32767
    2. -128 to 127
    3. -127 to 128
    4. 0-65535

  • 17 Function 01h of DOS interrupt is used for
    1. Single character output
    2. Single character input
    3. Dos exit
    4. String output

  • 18 The address of code segment begins at address
    1. 0F8A:0000
    2. 0F89:0000
    3. 0F69:0000
    4. 0F88:0000

  • 19 In the instruction MOV CX, 05H; initialize counter, the operand is/are.
    1. MOV CX
    2. MOV CX,05H
    3. CX, 05H
    4. CX

  • 20 In FLAGS register, the status flags are located in bit position
    1. 8,9 and 10
    2. 0,1,2,3,4,5
    3. 0,2,4,6,7,9,11
    4. 0,2,4,6,7,11

  • 21 When an instruction is read from the memory, it is called
    1. Memory Read cycle
    2. Fetch cycle
    3. Instruction cycle
    4. Memory write cycle

  • 22 An instruction pipeline can be implemented by means of
    1. LIFO buffer
    2. FIFO buffer
    3. Stack
    4. None of the above

  • 23 One memory with a global address space and many CPU’s is called the
    1. Global Memory Architecture
    2. Shared Memory Architecture
    3. Network Memory Architecture
    4. All of the above

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